Will Water Scarcity Hurt California Agriculture? City Visions Tonight At 7pm, KALW 91.7 FM

California’s historic five-year drought may be over, but water shortages remain — and may worsen in an era of climate change. What does ongoing uncertainty around water supplies mean for California farmers?

Last Wednesday, California’s water officials announced water allocations based on snow pack measurements, reviving concerns about the environment, urban vs. agricultural water needs, and the need to prepare for a future with a less reliable water supply.

Does water scarcity put our agricultural industry at risk? Can legislation help? We’ll discuss tonight at 7pm in the next installment of the City Visions ongoing series on sustainable food production. Joining me will be:

Bay Area residents can tune in on KALW 91.7 FM at 7pm, and anyone can livestream the show. Call or email with your questions for the panel!
