San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu & Oakland A’s Saga — State Of The Bay 6pm PT

Tonight on State of the Bay, I’ll interview San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu about what the Supreme Court’s Grants Pass decision will mean for the legal treatment of San Francisco’s homeless population. I’ll also talk to him about his lawsuit against Oakland over its airport renaming.

Then we’ll cover the latest developments in the Oakland A’s saga with journalist Dan Moore and Jorge Leon, founder of the fan group Oakland ’68s. What’s the latest on the team’s plan to move temporarily to Sacramento and eventually to Las Vegas?

And finally, we’ll meet San Francisco artist Yunfei Ren, who uses sound, sculpture, and photography to highlight underrepresented groups and experiences. We are highlighting his exhibit called “Prevailing Winds,” which is currently at the Guardhouse in Fort Mason.

Tune in at 91.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area or stream live at 6pm PT. What comments or questions do you have for our guests? Call 866-798-TALK to join the conversation!
