Restoring Trust In The Media In The Era Of “Fake News”: City Visions Tonight At 7pm, KALW 91.7 FM

America’s trust in the media is at an all-time low.  As the media environment fragments and political leaders, including the president, routinely disparage the press, what are the consequences of a weakened media for our democracy? What can the press do to restore trust?  And how should Americans evaluate the news going forward, to stay informed and engaged in our political process?

Join me tonight at 7pm on City Visions, KALW 91.7 FM for a discussion on this issue.  My guests will include:

  • Sally Lehrman, director of the Journalism Ethics Program and the Trust Project at Santa Clara University
  • Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, university librarian and professor at the School of Information at University of California, Berkeley
  • Janine Zacharia, Carlos Kelly McClatchy Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Communications at Stanford University, former Jerusalem Bureau Chief and Middle East Correspondent for the Washington Post, and chief diplomatic correspondent for Bloomberg News in Washington

And if you can’t access the airwaves, anyone with wifi can stream the broadcast here.  Please email or call in with your questions for the show!
