Category Archives: Your Call
Trump’s Crackdown On Campus Protests & GOP’s Budget Cuts — Your Call 10am PT

On today’s Your Call Media Roundtable, we discuss the detention of Mahmoud Khalil, a human rights advocate and lead negotiator for the 2024 Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University. He is being held at the Central Louisiana ICE Processing Center in Jena, Louisiana.

According to the Intercept, since his arrest, his attorneys have fought any suggestion that this case is about whether their client committed a crime or is a threat to national security. Instead, they say, it’s about the US government stifling Khalil’s advocacy for Palestine. Joining us will be:

Later in the show, we’ll examine the fallout from Senate democrats agreeing not to filibuster the Republican budget as well as the GOP’s deep cuts to social and health services. To help us unpack it:

  • Michael Mechanic, senior editor at Mother Jones and author of Jackpot: How the Super-Rich Really Live—and How Their Wealth Harms Us All
  • Arthur Delaney, senior reporter for HuffPost

Tune in at 91.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area or stream live at 10am PT. What comments or questions do you have for our guests? Call 866-798-TALK to join the conversation!

How Big Soda Influenced Science And Policy — Your Call 10am PT

On today’s Your Call One Planet Series, Harvard university anthropologist Susan Greenhalgh joins us to discuss her new book, Soda Science: Making the World Safe for Coca-Cola. Greenhalgh tells the story tells the story of how, in the midst of an explosive epidemic of obesity, Big Soda mobilized academic allies to create a science that would protect profits on sugary drinks by advocating exercise, not dietary restraint, as the primary solution to obesity — a view few experts accept.

The 1990s was a rough decade for the soda industry. In the US, obesity rates were exploding. Public health critics began fingering sugary soda as a main culprit and calling for taxes on soft drinks. With profits on sugary drinks threatened as never before, Big Soda had to be defended. Coca-Cola would take the lead. The book draws concepts from the social studies of science and anthropology to track a largely hidden project of the food industry that was global in scope. That project sought to create an industry-friendly science of obesity, spread it to key markets abroad, and get it embedded in official policies on diet-related chronic disease.

Tune in at 91.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area or stream live at 10am PT. What comments or questions do you have for our guest? Call 866-798-TALK to join the conversation!

Stripped For Parts: American Journalism On The Brink — Your Call 10am PT

On today’s Your Call Media Roundtable, we’ll discuss Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink, a documentary that tells the story of Alden Global Capitol, a secretive hedge fund that is plundering what is left of US newspapers, and the journalists who are fighting back.

In 2011, Alden began buying up newspapers across the country. In 2015, reporter Julie Reynolds began investigating Alden, which bought her small-town daily, the Monterey County Herald, along with more than 100 other newspapers nationwide.

She exposed how these self-described “vulture capitalists” would strip newspapers of their real estate, gut their newsrooms, and run away with the profits. Her reporting sparked a movement of journalists who took to the streets to tell vulture capitalists to “get the hell out of the news business.”

What is lost when billionaires take over our news organizations? What can we do about it? Joining us will be:

  • Rick Goldsmith, veteran documentary filmmaker and director of “Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink”
  • Julie Reynolds, freelance investigative reporter, co-founder of Voices of Monterey Bay, and former investigative reporter with the Monterey County Herald

Tune in at 91.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area or stream live at 10am PT. What comments or questions do you have for our guests? Call 866-798-TALK to join the conversation!